Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Pumpkin Jack by Will Hubble
Wow!  It has been 5 months since I posted.  During that time I have painted my kitchen cupboards with Rustoleum's Transformation Kit.  I love the new bright look.  We went out to Montana and toured my home stomping grounds from first grade and my one room school house is still in operation though it has doubled in size.
How exciting it was to peek in the windows and see the very coat racks that I hung my coat on umpteen years ago!!  And, of course, we could not leave with out touring the ever-fascinating somewhat alien landforms of Yellowstone National Park.

Now it is back to school.  Here is our latest book.....getting ready for all things pumpkin.  If you would like the activities and worksheets  I created just send me an email and I will email the file to you.
 Pumpkin Jack by Will Hubble
    1.  Person/Character Chart
    2.  Story Elements with Pumpkin G.O.
    3.  Beginning, Middle, End G.O.
    4.  Context Clues
    5.   Summarizing with a Web

I brought a pumpkin into school last week and that sure raised the interest and excitement level of those little cherubs.  What a great time of year this is.